Devour believes that each day gives us something to celebrate. Gratitude, appreciation and connection are the essential ingredients for every celebration no matter how large or small. We call it heartfelt hospitality and we bring it to everything we do.
Yahoo and More!
July 2, 2020
Like you and your family, Devour has been adapting to these challenging times as we all try to keep everyone healthy and safe. But we haven’t forgotten how to celebrate the moments that make life worth living or the turning points in our lives that we want to remember forever.
Here Comes the Sun
August 1, 2018
Here Comes the Sun
After a serious prairie winter, many of us have vowed to appreciate every waking moment of sunlight we get. From gorgeous outdoor weddings to family picnics and casual bbqs, we want to help you soak up the sun, and enjoy great food and company while you’re at it.